

This is the wall the separates my house from Carols house.  I love when the roses are in bloom.  I open the windows up in the house and everything smells so good.


Remember the flower planter that Jim just made for me?  It is now starting to look like one!



This is what you see out of K's bedroom window.  We are pretty lucky to live here.



that is what we were trying to catch.   oops!   Isn't this squirrel cute though?


purple creepers

That is what Glen told me these are.   My post about the Pink Bets made me want to share this photo of the other antique flowers at our house.



I love when the cactus bloom.  I tried to talk Jim into digging this up for me but he said no.


Cliff Rose

This is a Giant cliff rose that lives in the orchard.  For about 2 weeks every year is is beautiful!  When the wind blows it smells like heaven. 


door stop

I got sick of the wind slamming the bath room door in the middle of the night so I made this cute (and heavy) door stop.  Can you tell that I was inspired by my bird nest?



Look how cute!  These will grow up to finches.  If anyone has tips on how to keep the birds out of my flowers I would love to hear them.

flower planter

My new flower planter is done!  If you look closely you can see my flowers have already sprouted.  I don't think I'll have any problems with clients hitting the fence with their car now.


kalista's fish

Isn't she pretty?  Counting the tail she is about 3 feet long!  There are actually 4 this size in the pond, but they are hard to get photos of.


yellow bush

I am not sure what this one is.  I think it is really pretty though.


the shop

This is where all the Advanced in Years men in Moab come to discuss the state of the world and how badly we messed it up. 



This is the very first calendula blossom.  I am very proud of it because it is a whole month earlier than last year.  I have some amazing body care recipes just waiting for when they all start coming up.